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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


               LET TAKE A GLIMPSE OF THIS OLD MAN.....
GET A GLIMPSE OF THIS OLD MAN ... DID YOU NOTICE ANYTHING ?                                  Did you only  see  a sleeping old man ?  NOW please take a longer glance.  Can't you see his tired and wearied countenance.? Look deeper... There are  many hidden  fears  in his closed eyes. Can you hear his soft screaming soul beneath his chest? Fears of being  awake . Scare him more than  death itself .Death is near. He knew that his time is near.And he is afraid of thinking about it. He has many dreams and he wanted  to leave behind him a share of his beauty dreams. There is something fine in keeping to himself these treasure of beauty all his life and giving them to the world disdainfully when he has no further use for them.

LET HIM SLEEP.... FOR. He is tired. Tired for doing wrongs. He failed more than success.Done wrongs more  than rights, but sadly to regret, he still  believed  that he had done it all right.

LET HIM SLEEP... FOR  I,  personally knew this old man.... In his sleeps, he has no dream. He sleep like a  dead-log .In his sleep, he sink in deep .emptiness.  Hollow  and dark. No fear , no dream. BUT dreams rushed  into him  when he is awake.  It rushed into him like a flows of the falling rapid. hard and sharp..These dreams seem real, its appear  as if it is in  reality,  He felt real.It touched  him real. And that scared him most.It drove him crazy.  He almost can't stand it. So let him sleep.

LET HIM SLEEP...FOR in his awaking, in all his life,  he had forgone many things  which were  precious in his life. All gone in his quest for truth,  he had abandoned and neglected those around him when they needed him most, in his awaking, he had done millions of mistakes.  Guilty conscious engulfed him. In his sleep,.he found solace . In his sleep,he felt  his soul swimming in ineffable happiness.He savor every minutes of his sleep.So let him sleep....

LET HIM SLEEP... FOR he is afraid of death.  Although sleeping is partially death, he has confident that his chance of alive is greater.Only he is afraid  of being awake
 .In his younger years, he was once asked 
 " Aren't you afraid of death ?"
 " Yes " was his answer.  " But I fought  and pushed it hard by forgetting  it. " .  As always in his mind,  " one should  live always in view of ones death. "
 To his mind, the  only way to live is to forget that you're going to die. Death is scary. The fear of it should never influence a single action of the wise man. " - that was his reasoning at that time.
AND NOW..think of it, frighten him more, for that kind of philosophy  actually had distance him from the reality of existence. Death is unimportant, yes , no doubt about it,  for in reality it doesn't exist.Death is actually a 'transfer' or ' moving to other ' stage' of human existence. He knew by now that he should live in   ' accepting '   not  by  " forgetting' it. Then every single actions of his will be  under the influence of this fact. Now he realized and understood  about  his  body and soul.
Well, He knew that he will die struggling for breath and he will be horribly afraid. He also knew that he will not be able to keep himself from regretting bitterly the life that has brought him to such a pass but he disown that regret. He's now weak, old, diseased, poor , dying, hold still his soul in his hands and he tried no to regret nothing.....

LET THIS OLD MAN SLEEP.....He needs help. He is afraid. Maybe with  your forgiveness and prayers  will give  him, in his  last sleep . a dream, a beautiful dream  that might  illusory him,  even for a quick glimpse which  will give him a sensation   thrill of tranquility  that will shot through his heart although it will  only lasted an instant.



  1. Saya pernah mendengar
    "Tidur seorang alim lebih ditakuti dari 1000 orang abid yang jahil"
    Please correct this statement if incorrect or wrongly quoted and also the respective nas (authority)

  2. yOu are right, Pak hussain. " Abid" di sini ,org yg melulu beribadah tanpa mengambil berat untuk memperdalamkan ilmu ibadahnya dan ilmu makrifah, Allahu aklam." Lagi satu, itu untuk si Alim yg Makrifah, saya hanya karkun lama slack, he..he..
