Welcome ,my friend..
What do you want in life, my friend ? . Let us ask the moon , Hei Moon ,",what is your strongest desire? The moon answered: :" I wish that the Sun should vanish and should remain veiled for ever in clouds ". In another occasion, .a man came to Junaid al-Baghdadi with 500 dirhams with the intention of giving it to junaid as a donation. He then was asked" Have you any more money than this ?" The man answered , " Yes, i do ". Junaid then asked him, " Did you desire more ?." Yes, i do " . Junaid then turned away and said" then you must keep it,for you are more in need than me.: for i have nothing and desire nothing.You have a great deal and still want more. In another situation,an old man was asked, what he wanted in life, he then answer in poem
" To be young,my friend,
" Youth is youngness at heart ,
Youth is eternal for those
Who are full of faith and hope
And greet the challenges of each new day
With courage and confidence."
So ask your self what really you want.
I should like to know, what a man who has no knpwledge has really gained
what a man of knowledge has not gained.
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Harapan dan masa hadapan, tiada ada yang tahu. |
"Sayang Musalmah gadis rupawan,
Pandai pula menghias diri,
Bila ku kenang hatiku rawan,
Kisah dan kasih lama menyayat hati "
TIPS: Kelebihan Hari Jumaat
1.Mustajab Doa >
Hadis shahih: Dari Abu Musa ia berkata:
Nabi MUHAMMAD Saw Bersabda "Sesungguhnya ia (saat mustajab ) itu adalah di antara Imam duduk di atas mimbar sampai ia salam dari solat "(Hari Jumaat )
2. Penebus Dosa > Anas bin Malik
.Nabi bersabda: "Solat lima waktu dalam berjemaah dan solat Jumaat hingga Jumaat berikutnya menjadi penebus dosa yang terjadi di antara itu, selama di tinggalkan dosa-dosa besar."
BIG SIN @ dosa besar include in it ' zina ' (adultery ),derhaka pd Ibu atau bapa , minum arak , Fitnah , Umpat...
3. Perbanyakkan selawat ke atas kekasih ALLAH dan kekasih orang yang beriman iaitu Nabi MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASSALAM..
Sabda Nabi saw : ' Selepas solat Asar sebelum bangun daripada tempat duduk nya, bacalah sebanyak 80 kaliselawat ini
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىَ مُحَمَّدِ نِ النَّبِىِّ الأُمِّىِّ وَ عَلَى اَتِهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْلِيْماً
ok..Brothers and sisters ,LET get dress and move your soul to his house.With his wills,you may meet with what you are seeking for.
.oklaa ,
pakcik balik dulu yaa...